Portage Pool

Public Swimming




  • Swim Lessons


  • Lane Swim


  • Public Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Public Swim


  • Lane Swim



  • Lane Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Lane Swim


  • Public Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Public Swim


  • Lane Swim



  • Aqua-Fit


  • Swim Lessons


  • Lane Swim


  • Public Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Public Swim


  • Lane Swim



  • Lane Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Lane Swim


  • Public Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Public Swim


  • Lane Swim



  • Swim Lessons


  • Lane Swim


  • Public Swim


  • Swim Lessons


  • Public Swim



Types of Public Swims

This is a time for the entire family to enjoy the pool together. Parents/caregivers must accompany children during their time in the pool.

This is a swim specifically for seniors to enjoy the facility all to themselves.

Pool Memberships

To see details about types of memberships, restrictions, and where to use them, click here. Please refer to Admission and Supervision standards for children at Portage Pool.